New in 1.2 Update

The new versions of ASCIIEnc and BlockEnc that include the feature of clipboard i/o. In addition is a small AppleScript suite that allows you to quickly and efficiently encode and decode to the clipboard. Also, the new program, MultiEnc, allows you to simulatneously encrypt with both a password and a code block for additional security, and the new droplet, FIle -> Code Block, allows you to create code blocks optimized for the file you want to encrypt.

What is ASCIIEnc?

ASCIIEnc is an AppleScript implementation of the Theta Pi TI-83 Encryption. it is designed to encrypt text for secure transmission over the internet, as well as for personal file security. It offers a level of security somewhere between ROT13 and full-fledged ciphers such as DES and IDEA.

What are the three main programs?

ASCIIEnc encrypts files based on a simple password, while BlockEnc encodes off of a block of random or customized values, which can be used as a one-time pad for unbreakable security or in lieu of a password. MultiEnc allows you to use both simultaneously.

How do I generate a Code Block?

A code block is simply a regular text file containing a number of characters, the values of which directly shift each character in the plain text message. If a code block is used only once, without the actual code block, the message can never be decrypted. You can write your own code blocks, or use the Code Block Creator to auto-generate random code blocks. One suggestion is to create a code block that looks like a regular email message, so that it can be sent in the clear to the recipient, who can then use it to decode an encoded message that is sent independently.

If you want to fit your code block to the length of your message, drop your message text on to File -> Code Block. A .rcb code block will appear on the desktop, customized for your message. If you want to write your own code block, you can drop the file on File Length Calculator to see how many characters long your code block needs to be.

How do I use the program?

Upon opening the program, you will see a dialog box entitled "Input Options." You can choose to enter a message directly into the program or have it open a plain text file with your message or encrypted text, as well as importing text from the clipboard.

Next, choose Encode to encrypt your plain text, or choose Decode to decipher a previously encoded message.

After this prompt, enter your password. It can be anywhere from 1 to 255 characters, but a password longer than 4 characters is recommended. If you are using BlockEnc, select the file that contains the code block you wish to use (auto-generated files have .rcb appended to them).

After en/decrypting the text, you can have the program display a short message in a dialog box, save it to the clipboard, or export to a new text file.

How do I use the Droplet files?

Simply drag the text file you want to encode/decode onto them, and follow the procedure outlined above. However, keep in mind that the droplets only export text files.

How do I use BlockEnc for IRC?

First, you have to have the application ircle, which you can download at Connect to the channel you want to send your encrypted text to, then open BlockEnc for IRC and fill in the fields as it requests. Each line you enter into the program will be encrypted and posted in the IRC channel you specified.

What is ClipEnc?

ClipEnc is a suite of four programs which let you encrypt and decrypt quickly to the clipboard, to improve ease of use with other programs that are not directly supported (such as email or word-processing programs). Simply copy the text you want to use to the clipboard, run the program, and paste the result abck into your document. This way, you don't have to go through a lot of dialogs to get something encrypted.

Are you sure I can't encrypt my files with this?

Okay, okay, you can, technically, encrypt your non-text data files with this program. Only two conditions - 1. The file had better be darned small (preferably under 12k) and 2. The file must be UUEncoded before it can be read by the program. Also, if you're planning to encrypt anything big, make sure you increase the memory size on the application you are using, preferrably to at least 4096k.

Do I need to Register ASCIIEnc?

No. ASCIIEnc, like the TI-83 version, is distributed free of charge, under the GNU GPL.

Version Notes


- Added Clipboard Support

- Added Simultaneous Password/Block Encryption


- Added BlockEnc

- Optimized Encoding Engine

- Added File Length Calculator

- Support for IRC

- Added Drag & Drop Support


- Program is released.

- Can read/write text files.


©2000 David Kibrick (mailto link).

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